A New Year's Resolution - Your Mental Health
When it comes to our New Year’s resolutions for 2017, our self-improvement efforts often focus on losing weight or saving more money…
But we often overlook that other, equally important part of ourselves - our mental wellbeing.
So, while we’re making resolutions and setting the best intentions, why not resolve to take care of our mental health? After all, I probably don't need to remind you that our mental health is just as important (if not more so) as our physical health.
Here are a few ideas that I hope will inspire you to prioritise your mental health this coming year:
Connect with others
This can be as easy as smiling or saying “hello” to people that you walk by on the street, especially during the holiday season. You could even make the extra effort to talk to a co-worker whom you normally don’t speak to, or re-connect with an estranged family member.
The interactions we have with other people affect the way we feel about life in general. Our close relationships keep us grounded and influence both happiness and the sense that we are part of a larger community.
Even our interactions with people we do not know that well give us a sense that we are part of that larger community. So smile, you might just make someone’s day!
Reduce negative thoughts
When something upsets you, it can be natural to dwell over it. Most of us replay that upsetting scene over and over again in our minds but this will not give you much insight or closure.
The best way to break this cycle is to firstly plan how you could better-manage a similar situation in the future and then let it go - distract yourself with a task that requires concentration e.g. go for a quick walk, do a crossword puzzle or watch a funny movie.
Did you know you will feel better for smiling and laughing, even when you don’t feel like it? Your brain registers the movements of the muscles in your face when you smile and then releases associated hormones and chemicals that make you feel good. Your improved emotions will make it easier to change how you are thinking.
Get physical
Discover a physical activity that you love so much it becomes part of your regular routine rather than a chore. Rather than committing to losing weight, why not first find a physical activity you enjoy and desire to participate in on a regular basis.
Did you know exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety and depression treatment. It can relieve tension & stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins.
Improve your sleep patterns
Some of us stay up way too late despite having to wake up early in the morning for work. Sound familiar?
Sleep is correlated with your health, levels of concentration, and mood. Studies show that regular aerobic activity helps people fall asleep faster, spend more time in deep sleep, and awaken less often during the night.
No matter what 2017 has in store for you, I hope that you’ll be prioritising your mental health – not just because it’s important, but because we all deserve to be well and happy.